New Faction Unity Champion - Admiral Blacktusk!

We are happy to introduce a new Champion with Faction Unity skills - Admiral Blacktusk!

Admiral Blacktusk is a mighty warrior who will not only be a great addition to your roster but will significantly boost the abilities of your Dwarves thanks to Admiral's Faction Unity skills.

Admiral Blacktusk is a powerful Support Champion who will shine bright in PvP content. He's got some crowd control down his sleeve, along with cleanse abilities.

Placing Stun debuffs on enemies will allow Admiral's allies to deal double DMG to those enemies. And his A2 stands out with its unique combination of cleanse and Ally Attack, leaving the enemy team in crumbles.

Moreover, Admiral Blacktusk will be able to place Stone Skin on all of his allies via Dwarfes Unity skill making him a first-of-a-kind Champion with such ability.

I'm attaching an image with this Champion's skills below.

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